Dlaczego boli nadgarstek? Możliwe przyczyny i leczenie

Nadgarstek może boleć z powodu urazu, takiego jak złamanie kości, zwichnięcie czy skręcenie. Wymagają one konsultacji z lekarzem. Ból nadgarstka może być również spowodowany sumującymi się mikrouszkodzeniami. Może do nich dojść w wyniku nieprawidłowego wykonywania ćwiczeń, nadmiernego obciążenia treningowego, wad postawy.

Czytaj dalej Dlaczego boli nadgarstek? Możliwe przyczyny i leczenie

Starsze budownictwo a pompy ciepła

Na pompy ciepła często decydują się  osoby budujące dom jednorodzinny bądź tez kupujące gotową nieruchomość od dewelopera. Pompa ciepła uznawana jest za oszczędną i przyjazną dla środowiska alternatywę dla urządzeń standardowych. Skoro pompy ciepła to rozwiązanie cieszące się dużym zainteresowaniem w przypadku nowych nieruchomości pojawia się pytanie ich opłacalności w starszym budownictwie. Warto instalować pompę ciepłą w starszych obiektach czy jest to strata czasu i pieniędzy?

Czytaj dalej Starsze budownictwo a pompy ciepła

Szukasz folii, która nie pozostawi śladów na powierzchni?

Nieestetyczne ślady na powierzchni po zdjęciu grafiki nie są koniecznością. Na rynku dostępnych jest wiele folii, które mogą być stosowane na różnego typu powierzchniach bez ryzyka pozostawienia zabrudzeń. W ofercie mediadodruku.pl znajdziemy materiały specjalistyczne easy apply easy remove, dzięki którym instalacja, usunięcie i zmiana położenia grafiki jest możliwa bez pozostawiania śladów. Jakie folie możemy wykorzystać?

Czytaj dalej Szukasz folii, która nie pozostawi śladów na powierzchni?

Medikar – professional medical care

Medikar is a facility providing medical care both for private patients and those who are treated for free by the NFZ (National Health Fund). Key area of specialisation focuses on diagnostics and rehabilitation in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and nervous system coditions. In 2021, there was a merger with the Mokotowskie Centrum Osteoporozy.

Medikar and its strengths

The medical staff includes highly qualified specialists, including medical rehabilitation specialists, surgeons, orthopedists, traumatologists and cardiologists. A wide group of experienced physiotherapists and massage technicians take care of the recovery process of patients.

Medikar offers a wide range of services provided in several units. The orthopedic unit offers consultations in the field of faulty posture, orthopedic and traumatic surgery and hip joint defects. There is also imaging diagnostics available (X-ray, ultrasound).

Both adults and children who suffer from nervous system diseases are taken care of by the neurological unit specialists. Patients can also seek help in the cardiology unit and osteoporosis unit.

What services are offered in Medikar?

Medikar offers a wide range of services including:

  • motor rehabilitation of children – handling i.e. instruction in proper infant care is an integral part of NDT Bath therapy
  • motor rehabilitation of adults – general exercises that facilitate comprehensive support for the process of restoring, improving and maintaing a patient’s health
  • individual exercises – B. Mulligan’s method
  • local cryotherapy
  • cardiology – EKG
  • massage
  • exercises for healthy spine
  • dentistry – dental check-ups, scaling, comprehensive dental treatment
  • anti-edema therapy – aims at improving a patient’s life by reducing swelling, tissue fibrosis, improving the joint mobility
  • rehabilitation for patients after COVID-19
  • treatment of osteoporosis

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Drying flat roofs and terraces

You’ve got a problem with water dripping from the ceiling after a downpour? Detect a leak in the roof in time! It is possible to do it without dismantling or renovating the terrace or destroing the roof.

Damage to the roof

Holes easily form in a defective, damaged roof or tarrace insulation. These surfaces are additionally affected by rain, snow and constant temperature flactuations wchich speed up their erosion. Flooded insulation layer loses its thermal properties and will never completely dry out by itself. That is why it is crucial to dry roofs right after flooding.

Roof drying after flooding – why is it so important?

Roof leaks which go unnoticed can lead to serious damage, both to the roof itself and other parts of the building. The most serious and expensive scenario of long-term neglect is a complete roof replacement and renovation of the ceiling below. Sometimes the floors below the roof are even flooded. Often the cause of leaks is a poorley made or damaged roof hydroinsulation. Then, most often we experience mechanical damage and the effects of weather conditions.

Roof disassembly or insulation replacement is a costly and lengthy process. In the case of real estate used for business purposes, this may entail serious losses to the company. Such consequences can be avoided.

Regardless of the cause of flooding of the roof or terrace, it is not the greatest threat. Even worse is secondary damage it causes. The water between layers of roofing felt delaminates them. Wet thermal insulationloses its properties. The negative effects are numerous.

Call for specialists such as Dry-Home

If you have got a problem with moisture and leak, the best idea is to call a professional company which will carry out all the necessary activities. They will conduct drying activities as non-invasively and quickly as possible. As a result, the property and objects will return to the state prior to the incident without causing long-lasting interruptions in use.