If two people have problems communicating, every attempt at a calm discussion leads to a row, it is a sign that they need some help. A psychotherapist is a person with a specialist knowldge who can listen and help us see things from ifferent perspectives while remaining neutral. Some people are afraid thaht he or she will take sides and judge them. However, there is not like that at all.
Psychotherapy for couples – not always together
Professional psychotherapy may not only take place with the two of you always present. You may also meet the psychotherapist on an individual basis. Therapists often say that a good couple psychotherapy requires you to quiet down your emotions. It may also be needed if couples struggle with addictions. Everyone needs some privacy in any relationship. Conversation with a therapist may touch highly delicate and intimate issues we may not like to share even with our partners. It should be respected.
Therapy and its results – the influence on the relationship
After just a few months of psychotherapy, we can notice changes in our way of thinking and the problems that surround us. We have a chance to develop a greater level of tolerance for our partner’s wekaness which does not affect us personally. We also give us the right to make mistakes. There are no perfect relationships and we can achieve greater satisfaction only trhough ourown work. The psychotherapy may help us find the way to keep our individuality and live with the other person. The imporant element is that we know and talk about our mutual needs and respect them.
It’s worth fighting for ourselves and our relationship
Putting off psychotherapy does not do any good. If we notice that we cannot deal with our problems whatever they nature is, we should seek professional help. The decision to take the challenge and start a psychotherapy is some kind of test. It shows that we want to fight for our relationship and overcome problems. It shows that we are mature and are not afraid to admit that we could benefit from receiving help from another person.