Medikar is a facility providing medical care both for private patients and those who are treated for free by the NFZ (National Health Fund). Key area of specialisation focuses on diagnostics and rehabilitation in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and nervous system coditions. In 2021, there was a merger with the Mokotowskie Centrum Osteoporozy.
Medikar and its strengths
The medical staff includes highly qualified specialists, including medical rehabilitation specialists, surgeons, orthopedists, traumatologists and cardiologists. A wide group of experienced physiotherapists and massage technicians take care of the recovery process of patients.
Medikar offers a wide range of services provided in several units. The orthopedic unit offers consultations in the field of faulty posture, orthopedic and traumatic surgery and hip joint defects. There is also imaging diagnostics available (X-ray, ultrasound).
Both adults and children who suffer from nervous system diseases are taken care of by the neurological unit specialists. Patients can also seek help in the cardiology unit and osteoporosis unit.
What services are offered in Medikar?
Medikar offers a wide range of services including:
- motor rehabilitation of children – handling i.e. instruction in proper infant care is an integral part of NDT Bath therapy
- motor rehabilitation of adults – general exercises that facilitate comprehensive support for the process of restoring, improving and maintaing a patient’s health
- individual exercises – B. Mulligan’s method
- local cryotherapy
- cardiology – EKG
- massage
- exercises for healthy spine
- dentistry – dental check-ups, scaling, comprehensive dental treatment
- anti-edema therapy – aims at improving a patient’s life by reducing swelling, tissue fibrosis, improving the joint mobility
- rehabilitation for patients after COVID-19
- treatment of osteoporosis
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